Friday, November 18, 2011

What should I do with Winter flowering pansies?

Once they have finished flowering?

What should I do with Winter flowering pansies?
If the weather doesn't get too hot, you could still have pansies past May. I have them in planters on my deck and beside my driveway, and I just plant petunias or impatiens in with them, and as the others get big and it gets hot, the pansies just go. If I remember, I pull them out, but the other plants usually just cover them up anyway.

If you keep them dead-headed, they will bloom as long as the weather is still fairly cool.

Winter-flowering pansies is really a misnomer, something retailers thought up to sell them in the fall. Pansies are pansies. There really is no difference between winter pansies and spring pansies.
Reply:leave if you have room after a short rest most will reflower
Reply:Plant them in the garden and they will flower again in the Spring and maybe in the Autumn too.
Reply:If they are in the ground - nothing at all. I love pansies for their low-maintenance.

If they are in a pot inside...I'd keep taking care of them inside, and then plant them out in late spring. (Plant them out earlier, and they might die of shock, as they aren't acclimated to the winter, having been in a house.)
Reply:pansies are a winter flower. dead head them during the winter but once spring gets here they are pretty much done. pull up and throw away and plant something else for the summer

Does your cat act more like a cat or a dog?

I think mine acts more like a dog. and when I say dog, I mean like the little pansy dogs that get carried everywhere and have their own special carrying bag. my cat is a diva.

Does your cat act more like a cat or a dog?
My 24 pound Maine Coon cat comes when I whistle. He likes to wrestle. Today he caught a mouse and didn't seem to know what to do with it.
Reply:Hi Sylas...both my cats think they are dogs in disguise. Both cats love to go for car rides and walks so to ensure they will be safe on our outdoor excursions I've decided to leash train them. I think they enjoy it even more now since they can go anywhere I go and meet people and dogs who come to sniff them out.

They also can put dogs to shame as both my housecats not only understand obedience commands (come, sit, down, etc) but are also toilet trained, can flush the toilet, go to wherever I point, follow a target anywhere, jump through hoops, roll over, fetch, take apart a 3-D layered puzzle, wave, give a high-five, raise a paw to ask a question, fetch, do agility (like dog agility), walk on a leash in public and so much more. They understand both visual and verbal cues/signals as well and learn most new behaviours quite quickly within a matter of days and for the more complex behaviours such as balancing and walking on a basketball in a month.
Reply:I have one cat that acts like a cat (i.e. she hangs out by herself and, frankly, could care less if I exist so long as she gets fed and her box is clean). I have two that act more like dogs: one fetches and returns paper clips when I throw them to her; the other goes outside on a leash (I don't let my cats out unattended) and also likes riding around on my shoulder and playing in the toilet (he always takes his toys and drops them in; he's lost quite a few when someone didn't look before they went to the bathroom) or in any sort of water (if you let him in the bathroom, he'll walk into the shower while you're in it; one time, I fell asleep in the bathtub and when I woke up, he was sleeping on top of me, in the water). Everyone who has met the second one (the leash/toilet/shower cat) loves him, especially the people who usually don't like cats. They always say that he acts like a dog and that's why they think he's cool. He is cool, but he's a total freak. He loves riding in cars (he likes to perch on the dashboard on on the headrest) and you can take him anywhere and he doesn't get freaked out...he seems instantly at home no matter where you take him.
Reply:mine act like me...sleeps
Reply:how cute...and sweet...
Reply:my cat is like a cat lol
Reply:Actually, I have the reverse answer to this question...

My 6 month old Husky mix PUPPY acts like a cat!

He lives with 5 cats, so he's definitely the minority here!

He's picked up several traits from the cats like:

- licking his paws %26amp; cleaning his face

- Using his paws instead of his nose or mouth to get your attention or during play

- He'll lay on his back while the cats lick his face

I think if he could fit into the litter box he would use it like they do! What a relief that would be... not having to take him outside to poop %26amp; pee 20 times a day!

Reply:pure, unadulterated cat.(s)
Reply:My old cat used to think he was a dog. He used to only sit with our dogs, and only eat their dog food and dog bones and run around with them!! I used to wait for the day when he would start barking - talk about an identity crisis!
Reply:i think you do act like them because i think your also a diva...
Reply:My cat is just like a dog. He begs for human food, and he acts like one of those wimpy dogs. He'll start a fight with my roomates cat, and when she goes to bite him back or something, he runs to me squeaking. (He cant meow) And he licks people! He comes up to me all the time and tries to lick my face. And the way he sleeps is like a dog too. I sleep on my stomach sometimes, and when I do, he lays right in the middle of my legs, sprawls out, and sleeps with his mouth open.
Reply:My cat, Panther, acts like dog. He's not hissy or scratchy and he even fetches. I'll throw his toy mouse and he'll run after it , bring it back and drop it at my feet over and over. He's a large muscular cat, too.
Reply:Mine is like a dog...u open anything from a soda to candy wrapper, and there she is sitting a foot in font of you watching every bite or drink go in your mouth....she wont leave u alone until u let her smell it to see if she likes it or not.
Reply:my cat acts like a dog but don't like dogs she chased one out of the yard the other day she jumped out my window and took off after it shes such a ****** the dog ran away yelping and it was a big dog other than that she loves to go for walks on a leash just like a dog and i can make her attack someone or something if i want she listens to me i trained her like you would a dog when she was a kitten she is so smart its weird

Reply:well he carrys a ball about like a dog,but thats all
Reply:i've had two cats now that both had traits of a dog--very good listeners and obedient.

my first cat developed many routines which she held onto steadfast til day she passed away.

now, our second cat acts very peculiar like a dog. he goes outside every morning and stays outside (where he does all of his business) until he is let in around 4-5:30. he never goes in the litterbox (keep one just in case) and he sleeps ALL night long right next to me.

his favorite toy: a crumpled up piece of paper. on nice days i go outside and throw it as he chases. we haven't quite got him to bring it back everytime but he has once or twice!
Reply:mines growls like a dog and runs about crazy so mines acts more like a dog
Reply:I have some dogcats and some catcats!
Reply:my dog acts like a cat. she strectches out just like one and her tounge looks like a cats. i went to a friends house the other day and her cat did the exact same strech as my dog! lmao

rain roots

Will Spring Flowering Pansies survive frost or snow?

I've got some hanging baskets with spring flowering pansies in them and someone mentioned that we're in for some cold weather at the weekend with snow in parts. I've looked on the internet but opinions seem to differ and I wondered if anyone out there could give me any advice. I don't want them to die but on the other hand I don't always get to see the weather forecast and could get caught out at a later date.

Will Spring Flowering Pansies survive frost or snow?
I think it always depends on how cold and how long the cold is going to stay around. If the freeze is at night and only stays below 32ยบ for an hour or so, you will be fine. My pansies have survived more than that and are in full bloom right now.
Reply:We had some snow here in the Dallas area a week ago. All of the pansies survived with no problems.
Reply:Survive snow, yes. Survive frost (if it's heavy), probably not. Surprisingly, snow will protect your flowers from getting killed by a hard freeze. It acts as a blanket. But if the forecast is for well-below freezing with winds, the flowers may be damaged. You can protect them by putting an old towel over them overnight.
Reply:Pansies get flattened by frosty weather,but they perk up again when its over making a new set of flowers.In the very cold eastern american seaboard they could pop their clogs though.In most of the UK its okay
Reply:As far as I can tell Pansie is a terrible name to call someone you think is weak. Pansies in zone seven thrive even through the cold snaps we have here. For example: It was 70 degrees 2 weeks ago on Sunday, snowed all day Thursday and was 50 again on Friday. It only got down to like 28 that time but it's known to get down in the teens. Pansies are strong plants and can handle way more than you think. And even if there laying flat on the ground from some bad weather most of the time they will get back up and go again.
Reply:yes but if they don't(they are just a bunch of pansies)

Pansy tattoo?

I want a pansy with a vine on my wrist does anyone know where I can find a picture (not

Pansy tattoo?
Reply:You're getting a tatoo.. of a pansy...

god help you.
Reply:This is a highly requested flower...visit your local tat shops %26amp; view their art works of such...makes sense to shop %26amp; find where you want it done, yes???
Reply:They're going to call you a pansy! oh my!
Reply:i could draw you one. i'm an artist.

How do pansies spread? Do they drop seeds?

I have pansies in my yard that I planted, and I've noticed that there are some coming up in places where I didn't plant them. How is this happening?

How do pansies spread? Do they drop seeds?
Pansies spread by dropping their seeds at the end of flowering season
Reply:pansies drop there seeds all season long as long as they have time to ripen but in the fall you should have lots of them

I have window boxes in my garden filled with pansies I planted in Dec, when should they die off.?

I want to replant with bedding but the pansies are still in full bloom and I don't want to kill them off, but am worried I might leave it to late for me summer bedding. the pansies also have a white powder dust on the leaves, Is this a sign of their end of season?. Thanks. Peter.

I have window boxes in my garden filled with pansies I planted in Dec, when should they die off.?
You don't tell me where you live...that being said; pansies are a "cool" season they should start flagging say when the temps in your area are consistently above 90 degrees...But plant your "hot" season plants now...Then they'll be ready to take over...
Reply:The thing with pansies is they self seed, this why you still have them. The white powder sounds like mildew, take them all out and make sure you use fresh compost.
Reply:I would agree that the white powder is likely to be powdery mildew. The pansies will be stressed by now hence the mildew, you can transplant them and this often gives them a fresh flush of life but in reality if you want Summer Bedding to give you any worthwhile show then you need to get them into the beds now, should have been in 3 or more weeks ago.

Good luck


Can you grow pansies, violas, and johnny jump ups in the house in a sunny window? and little snapdragons?

I really like the plain violas.... I think some of them have a scent?


I found seeds for some snapdragons that bloom the first year. Is it worth a try indoors?

Thank you

Can you grow pansies, violas, and johnny jump ups in the house in a sunny window? and little snapdragons?
Yes just like in a greenhouse, need plenty of sunlight.
Reply:It's always worth trying your skills with growing plants indoors.

Water regularly, but lightly, and not on the leaves. Keep out of direct sunlight. If not enough light, then arrange a foil, light reflector near the plants.

A small plant feeding stick in each container will help to feed the plants via the roots.

The container for the snapdragons needs to be a little deeper than for the violas, which have a more fibrous root system,

Please tell me, what are 'Johnny jump ups!?'

When will Winter Pansies flower until?

They are still going really strong, i took down my winter hanging basket today and replanted them into tubs as i thought it would be a shame to throw them away. There are evern new flowers still coming on them.

Will they flower all summer?

When will Winter Pansies flower until?
They go on for ages, they come out in the winter because they tolerate the cold weather, but also thrive if looked after in the summer.

Any reasons for the thumbs down, seems rather silly for three good replies.
Reply:Pansies do not like heat. Yes, it is a shame to have to throw them away, but you can always attempt to save some seed for next planting. I live in the deep south, plant my pansies in November. They are now getting scruffy looking. I plan on letting some flowers dry out before I pull them up, so that I can collect seeds. Pansies generally do not live thru the summer, unless you live in a very mild, northern climate with cool summers. My pansies will be totally gone by the end of May.

As long as your pansies are still blooming, great. However, mine did a profuse bloom before they started producing tiny stunted blooms. Depending on your region, they may start to wither sometime in the next few weeks. Good luck.
Reply:pansies are actually perennial so they should with any luck stay alive all summer and flower again next winter although i do find it can be a bit hit and miss as to whether they survive
Reply:Pop them into a flower bed. They will just keep right on flowering their little hearts out for you.
Reply:I *could* be wrong - but I think they will continue to bloom into the Summer! =)

How do you feel about being picked or not picked as the BEST answer?

When people answer my questions I just love all of them and want to invite them all to my house for tea , then later maybe a movie and Monopoly or to just ask each other questions all night. I love it. I hate picking the BEST because everyone is the BEST for even caring. Right? Or am I being a Pansy?

How do you feel about being picked or not picked as the BEST answer?
You're being a pansy :-) The one that speaks to you and your heart at that moment is the one to choose.

You have a point, I've gotten some real caring and suprisingly smart answers from the community - and I am thankful, but we can only pick one. I always make it a point to, as you are doing, commend and thank the others, then move on to the next thing.

The worst decision is INDECISION :-)
Reply:Sometimes I know I've answered a question correct and first and I'm dissapointed when I don't get best answer. Like a factual question, like if someone asks who the first president is and I answer first and don't get it :(

If I ask an opinion question I have a hard time picking best, I'll just let it go to vote.
Reply:Its true what you are saying.But people ask questions to know or t get exact answers what they r looking for. Usually some may not frame questions properly as per their intentions, but still they r looking for their bulls eye answers. So when they pick the right answer naturally the other person gets glorified... making a felling u have done some thing good to others...
Reply:Some answers are standouts, and I will even read them and think that my answer to the same question was inadequate!

lol... then again, sometimes I read the 'best answer' and think 'that person didn't want help, they wanted people to agree with them!'.

I love when I get a 'best answer'. But I'm happy when someone chooses an answer that is factual, sensible, practical and realistic. I'm always disappointed when an answer is chosen that I feel has given poor advice or information.
Reply:Well, I'm only picked for best answer 3 % of the time. So when I'm not picked, I don't feel bad or anything. Generally I'm surprised which of my answers are picked as best. IMO, my best answers are never picked and my one word answers gain me ten point. So, meh.

BTW, I'd love to come over for tea sometime. When is good for you?
Reply:When I get a best answer I am thrilled that I have in some small way helped someone. I had one the other day (I did only a little research, from the other side of the world and found exactly what this person was looking for) she was so appreciative she called me an angel! That made my whole week! I appreciate all the people that take the time to answer but I think the people who write nasty things or inappropriate things spoil it for others, like us, we should just ignore them. I like your idea, why don't you put a suggestion to yahoo that they change the points system for say people with level 3, 4 so they can choose 1, 2 or 3 answers. Good 1 points, Better 3, points, Best 6 points? or something like that.
Reply:i always hate picking the best in general aswell - but at the end of the day you always have a favourite even if you dont want to share it to hurt others - but if the others have enough empathy they should understand that you have your own opinion
Reply:i feel fine being not picked as the bet answer.. at least i tried and i know that i helped even just a little bit or gave a little idea..

and, yes, i agree with you.. it's hard to pick the best answer because they are all the best for caring to help..

take care =)
Reply:if it's too irksome maybe you should try resisting picking a best and see if that works better for you.

i agree with you though, i get a lot of great answers but i do pick an answer that is even slightly better so he/she can score the points
Reply:I get frustrated when im not picked sometimes, because i answer to the best of my knowledge and experience, and sometimes soneone is picked for best answer that made a lame joke!


Can I be the Iron piece?
Reply:I don't get emotional about it.

I would feel good if something I thought I had done well on was recognized.

Often my responses are truthful but answered to questions that are for "fun".

No literary acumen required or recognition anticipated..
Reply:I happy when my answer was selected, bcos some people get use with my knowledge.

But we cant sure always, that we are genious.

So no worries when not selected.
Reply:I feel okay both ways.Everyone has the freedom to think and judge another's answer.
Reply:Just pick one lol

do eenie meenie minee mo!

or pick none and let everyone vote XD
Reply:l select the answer that best answers my question............

There can only be one.......

Why is it considered wrong for men to cry?

When women cry it's because they are women and they get emotional, but when I cry I get called a pansy. Why?

Why is it considered wrong for men to cry?
hi sebastian , i read your question and its considered wrong in society because of down the thousands of years of evolution ,both males and females were categorized by there gender qualities,but societys thinking and expectations on males were different , society thinks that if males cry then we are showing a female trait/quality and that shows weakness, this is not truth of course but its what societys believes and society does not want males to feel this crying emotion due to wanting males to be strong and show that they can cope with anything, as they think this is the answer to coping through adversity, the strong survive but the weak emotional ones fall by the wayside, this is also incorrect thinking by society but its what society thinks.So it is very wrong that people call you a pansy, im very sorry they do that but untill society changes there crazy,long held ideas then it will not change, its only healthy for males and females to cry and release our emotions, if we store them up and dont release them then one day the anger from not releasing the hurt and pain will turn into rage,so i really hope that you can reason with those people who call you that name and hopefully maybe they might stop it ,i really hope they do, so i wish you my greatest wishes take good care bye sebastion
Reply:hi sebastian, yes i see now and i hope my answer has helped in understanding i wish you my very best, and thanks for the points ,take very good care bye Report It

Reply:because guys are supposedly "macho men" w/out feelings, which is jacked up. if your friends call u a pansy, its not u , its them, and need 2 find somenew friends! :)
Reply:It's not wrong, and if they say its wrong then who made them lord of the rule making? We can do what we want.
Reply:I think, for me, it depends on why the man is crying.

I also think that its about men being the 'protectors.' Women want to feel safe. If their man lets every little thing get to him then that feeling of safety goes away because he can't even manage to fend for himself.
Reply:The reason this is, is because of our culture it goes all the way back to England. Society and Culture play an important part of every country, this is their personality if you will, it is basically the way we were raised and tought. Now remember every culture is different for instance in the Middle East Women do not show emotion in public only men. Now please unterstand that I am not giving my opinion on whether it is right or wrong only why most people belive it to be "pansy" like.
Reply:I don't think its wrong.
Reply:B/c we as in everyone in the past has set a high standard for men..They are suppose to be the strong one of the household. To not be senitive..but instead the one who holds everyone else up.

But in my opion this is wrong..I think it good that everyone man and women cry. It helps get the emtions out.
Reply:A stupid, no heart person would call you that,these days it is not considered wrong far a man to cry and show his emotions, just shows he has a heart.and true feelings for others.

it was never wrong, people just use to see things different than they do today.
Reply:Only narrow-minded people thing it is wrong for men to cry.
Reply:because your friends suck. jk. but it doesnt make you pansy, if those were your friends saying that...then ya. they suck. 'dunwryboutit'
Reply:its ok to be a pansy. its not considered wrong but its considered kinda weird.
Reply:Society has done that..but for me a man cries sensitive
Reply:because you are a pansy, especially for askng this, what are you trying to do, come off as an emotional guy to get attention from the ladies on here. U suck
Reply:Because guys are supposed to be strong and not emotional. They're supposed to be tough, not pansies as you call them.
Reply:I think that it's ok for a man to cry. you have feelings too and some things are sad no matter who you are. good luck.
Reply:i don't know thats just the way it is so we have to deal with it
Reply:Because it's true that men are less emotional in times like that, than women. And men (thanks to instincts) often have to make a contest out of anything. So, if some can hold back tears in times of problems, the others look weak, yah?

It's just based off of original instict.
Reply:i dont know i think guys are allowed to cry cuz men can express they're feelings to ya no. i think it is cute when they cry dont ask why cuz i dont know why. buti guess guys are known for being tuff and strong and other ppl arent used to seeing other guys cry. i think that they can cry to.
Reply:I don't think it's wrong for guys to cry. I've seen many-a-dudes when a sport event and cry from overwhelming joy %26amp; happiness. Also, if your a married man and your wife dies... you WILL see some tears. I saw plenty of men cry on 9/11....

massage shoes

What college teams get the benefit of the doubt from the NCAA pansies?

Notre Dame had a whore on retainer and gets a slap on the wrist. What would have happened to other schools with the same infractions? OU gets busted outright for paying players and basically got nothing.Do these institutions have pictures of the NCAA Committee taking advantage of Donkeys behind their respective AG Centers?

What college teams get the benefit of the doubt from the NCAA pansies?
Norte Dame in the rankings. 10 bowl games in 10 years without a win. Obviously they need a easier opponent.. Actually the SEC gets the benefit of the doubt as well for rankings even if it is the hardest conference in football. The SEC plays more division ll teams in football period. Look it up!

USC. Reggie took money as well as Garrett. It should come more out in the media, but USC is the only west coast team that can compete in college football. It gets thrown under the rug.

Miami in a negative aspect. Not all their players are criminals! only 95 percent!

Ohio State didn't get hit that hard. Alabama did because of Tennessee.

It all depends on the media and I guess the coach at the time if he has a good repore with the NCAA.
Reply:I'll make it simple:

Money! OSU, USC, Michigan, ND, OU, and other such high status football programs will get nothing because they bring in money...plain and simple. If the NCAA grew a pair, and tried to scorn one of those teams like they do the likes of a..(oh lets just say...) Illinois, South Carolina, UNC, Texas Tech, Mississippi, MSU, Arizona, or another mid-tier team, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. The would lose a ton of money if they struck down a team like OSU. OSU is money on TV. So is ND. Hell....NBC might get mad at the NCAA if they even looked at ND the wrong way. But no worries....because it just wont happen! Any team that rakes in THAT much money on a saturday for TV ratings and sellouts, they wouldnt dare touch up like that!!
Reply:I agree about Notre Dame, they always get the easy way out and get tv coverage even when they have a bad year. That school has a lot of money and money talks.
Reply:If it were an SEC team they would strip them of scholarships like they did Bama. Look at USC. Nothing will happen there. You might be right about those pictures. Hey warchant I did look it up and you know what? Turns out 4 other conferences in Division 1a have played more Division II schools than the SEC. The SEC has played a Division II team 146 times, Mountain West- 204 times, Mid-American- 555 times, Conference USA- 391 times, and the Big 12- 404 times. If it's a disgrace to play a Division II team how about a Division III team? The SEC has played a Division III team 581 times, Pac 10- 307 times, Big 12- 455 times, and the Big 10- 1,254 times. So the SEC doesn't pad their schedule with easy opponents anymore than (and a lot less than some) anyone else. Despite playing in the toughest conference in the NCAA. When you play Alabama, Auburn, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, LSU, and Tennessee each week; who could blame you for scheduling an easier team the other weeks.
Reply:I think so USC let Reggie Bush get a free house for over a year and nothing happened to them(I know ,they didn't pay for it but they knew)
Reply:It sure looks like USC is getting away with major infractions here in that it seems the NCAA is hoping everyone will forget about it. Geeeezzz, the Bush family settled out of court with the sports agent and we all know how slow our legal system is.

Sometimes I wonder if the coach has an impact. One thing that has always swelled my cohones is former coach and now ESPN analyst Lou Holtz. He leaves Notre Dame and they are placed on probation. He leaves South Carolina and they are placed on probation. ESPN and a whole host of people treat the twit as some respected indiviual. If it smells like sh*t then it is sh*t. The NCAA treated him lightly and for no good reason in my book. I think they are doing the same with Pete Carroll.

What does the term "pansy" mean?

Mmkay people are calling me a"pansy" what do they mean?

What does the term "pansy" mean?
Main Entry: 1pan·sy

Pronunciation: 'pan-zE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural pansies

Etymology: Middle English pancy, pensee, from Middle French pensรฉe, from pensรฉe thought, from feminine of pensรฉ, past participle of penser to think, from Latin pensare to ponder -- more at PENSIVE

1 : a garden plant (Viola wittrockiana) derived chiefly from the hybridization of the European Johnny-jump-up (Viola tricolor) with other wild violets; also : its flower

2 a usually disparaging : a weak or effeminate man or boy b usually disparaging : a male homosexual
Reply:it is a negative comment, meaning they are not manly.

however, it is funny to note, the pansy (flower) is the most hearty of the annual flower. It can withstand frost, they are beautiful, and strong.
Reply:sissy, mary, little bit$%, girlie, soft, weak, wussy etc. pick your favorite
Reply:they mean ur gay......and u didn't know that....?.........................?........ on earth did u not know that!?!?!? im prolly younger then u and i know taht!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd wtf was the point us et this on the jokes and riddl;es page!?!??!?!?!?!

Why do bad guy armies march like a bunch of pansies?

Why do the armies of rogue nations show how big and bad they are by marching through their streets while kicking their legs high like cute little cheerleaders?

Could it be that they didn't go to evil cheerleading camp for nothin?

Why do bad guy armies march like a bunch of pansies?
Marching styles such as the Nazi Goosestep are a way for dictators to break down the soldiers mind to make them more submissive. The marches are a display of national strength.
Reply:Why not?

Tradition is tradition.

We have all kinds of marches that we do in the Army. Some is for fun and others are for show.
Reply:My country (Russia) does the "goose step" We are not a third world country, and we are not cheerleaders. I've been to Chechnya and Dagestan. its just a traditional drill. Why does USA spin rifles around? Why Does Britain and Canada and the Aussies stamp their feet when doing drills?

Who cares, is just traditional old drill.

Since your curious about the origins? For us, it came from Imperial Russia, under the Czar. I believe we got the tradition it self from the Germans. if I recall. (Im not too sure) it was invented by Otto Von Bismarc, for the intimdating "CUSH CUSH CUSH CUSH" sound that it makes when a large formation does that march. It sounds like crushing rocks.

Is Pansy parkinson are jealousof hermione granger?

because she is really pretty

Is Pansy parkinson are jealousof hermione granger?
maybe...pansy is supposedly ugly even though she has sexy draco. . . draco might secretly like hermione because he picks on her the most and there's other evidence of it. maybe pansy is jealous of hermione if thats true.
Reply:in the books no, becuase pansy is suposed to be ugly and hermione is NOT supposed to be as attractive as emma watson. in the movie, pansy really isnt in it enough to tell

height increasing shoes

How many dates until it is "safe" to get her a christmas present - i dont want to scare her off or look pansy?

last year i found myself with the same question and got her something small.

she flaked and stopped returning calls etc.


i just started seeing a very special lady and by christmas we will have probably gone on 6 or so dates...

didnt know if that was pushing it or if i was safe.

please keep in mind im not talking diamonds...

i was thinking either some hand hammered silver earrings ($35) or a nice journal or something....

If you think its safe which would be better....unless you have another suggestion.

thanks for the answers...

How many dates until it is "safe" to get her a christmas present - i dont want to scare her off or look pansy?
well, if its offical i think u should get her something dat express how much u lov her....dont forget, its not all about da expenses, its about how yall feel for each otha
Reply:Yes - go with something small and simple - based on something she likes. Does she like something lots and lots? Base the gift on that.
Reply:all girls like for the guy that they r interested in to get them something,the other girl was probably not that in to in the first place, if yu think that she would apreciate a gift from u then you should, but it cant be something that she would feel pressured by,like a teddy bear, but make sure it doesnt say anything mushy on it.
Reply:hmmm, try something more personel, like a music cd, jewelery my be implying something serious, if you have only dated a few times, keep it simple.

Need help on identifying a plant. I have a bush that is growing in a couple of places in my yard. It is very

thorny, grows on my chain link fence and has yellow flowers and red flowers on it. The flowers when open almost look like a pansy. I live in Utah and can't seem to figure out what it is. I have looked on all sites that I can think of. Can anyone help?

Need help on identifying a plant. I have a bush that is growing in a couple of places in my yard. It is very

This Gorse bush is thorny and yellows don't know about the red?

hope this helps
Reply:I am very sure this is a wild rose,( multifloro rose) which grows wild all over the united states and other countrys as well. People in the rose growing business use the root stock from the wild rose and graft their hybrid plants onto it for their rose bushes. Every hybrid rose bush has the wild rose root stock.

John F.
Reply:Please describe the foliage.

Are the flowers scented?
Reply:Could be cats claw. Go to the web and google it and see if it matches what you have.
Reply:Take a sample to a local nursery.... they often know their stuff.

Who would win a brawl between Pachulia and Garnett?

My money is on Pachulia. He seems more rugged and not as much of a pansy.

Who would win a brawl between Pachulia and Garnett?
I'm with you, Zaza looks tough, and buff.

KG looks slim, and not strong at all.
Reply:KG would own Zaza.

He just won't, not now. When he is on the best chance on winning the championship. A brawl would mean suspension and he couldn't risk that. He knows that the team needs him all the way in order to win a championship. He couldn't afford to miss a game. He's got everything to lose. While Zaza could miss the rest of the playoffs and the Hawks wouldn't miss a beat. KG is focused on winning the championship now and he wouldn't waste this chance just because of some silly white boy thinking he is tough.
Reply:Wow that's tough- i don't think i've ever see K.G. in a fight in his career. It's tough to bet on a guy named: Zaza, but at the same time- he didn't back down last night.

I'd have to go with K.G. just because he seems like he's got bigger guns but it's a lot closer than anyone would think- kind of like the series.

If it was a team brawl- you know the Hawks with Josh Smith would kill the Celts.

Reply:who cares. garnett would posterize that dude on the court. thats all that matters here.
Reply:KG would tear him up. I wouldn't exactly label KG as a pansy either... he's about as big a warrior as there is.
Reply:I say ZaZa, i knowit's Zaza, but i like ZaZa better.

you know they train those soviets to get those one hit pressure point killZ.
Reply:Pachulia. He looks like Andre the Giant
Reply:Garnett because he would kick him and he's a brother
Reply:i say KG with his made muscles would whoop pachulia the white boy
Reply:i say my boy KG would kick his butt any place any time no matter what the circumstances are.
Reply:KG takes it. he's from the Chi and ZaZa's arms are too short for a guy his height.

Have you heard about trailing pansies for hanging baskets?

Just read about them today.

Have you heard about trailing pansies for hanging baskets?
Yes, Thomson and Morgan seed and plant company has introduced them this year, and they look great. They're named Friolina, and come in several colours - and they're fragrant too!

There's a photo and information on this link to their site:

At around £1.50 for 10 plants they're dearer than typical pansies, but something really different.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:yes i have heard of them, my boyfriends sister has them growing in her baskets, and do get some they look lovely really cheerful.
Reply:No, I have my baskets done now and they are starting to bud nicely.
Reply:No but I bet my mum has.

racing shoes

Will there be any auditions for Pansy Parkinson?

just need to know if there will be any auditons for this role

Will there be any auditions for Pansy Parkinson?
Wow - you really want a part in the next HP film don't you?!?!

Don't they just hold open auditions? You can go and queue up with the other 10 million girls who want to get near Daniel Radcliffe and his mates.........Good luck
Reply:Who is she?
Reply:Only if your name is Daffy Daffodil
Reply:Why not, anything that catches your Fancy.

What is a pansy?

not the flower,but when some one says your a pansy

what does that mean? gay?

ha sorry dont know

What is a pansy?
Not necessarily, although it's used that way sometimes. More generally it refers to someone who is terribly meak or gutless and doesn't stand up to others.
Reply:It means camp. Which is similar to gay (Girly).
Reply:delicate and floral ( gay)

Is superman a pansy?

i think that superman is a pansy because he has every power and no actual talent. if didn't have the powers, he would be killed by a little girl. my sister disagrees. what do you think?

Is superman a pansy?
How much of a pansy could he be when not even death can stop him?

Also, he has generated billions of dollars for DC comics and Warner Bros.

As far as his character, even when he loses his powers due to a red sun or whatever else, he always prevails.

He has been known to survive in the wild without his powers. He's fist fought Lex Luthor without his powers and won.

He's trained in a Kryptonese martial art. (I can't remember what the style was called because it has been so long ago. Does anyone out there remember what it's called?)
Reply:Superman isn't a pansy... just OVERpowered. Its not like he cries like a little girl when he gets hit. .....

I got nuthin' else.....
Reply:I think you are really Lex Luthor in disguise.
Reply:Not true! There have been plenty of times when Superman lost his power but still stepped up to oppose the forces of evil.

Take the ‘Krisis of Krimson Kryptonite’ as an example. The fifth dimensional guy, Mxyzptlk, took Superman’s powers away, but Superman thought Luthor did it with a red rock he called ‘red kryptonite’.

Superman still put on his suit and went out when there was trouble, risking his all-too-mortal hide to face down those who were selfish and cruel, to help those who were helpless, to save lives, stop crime and make things better for his fellow men.

THAT is what truly makes him Super, not the powers. That is why he is a hero! This is what makes him ‘Superman’.

4 APR 07, 1927 hrs, GMT.

Oh, and mdblhw, wasn't that Kryptonian martial art called Klurrkor? He didn't know it, but there was a woman who got out of the Phantom Zone who knew it, and she kicked his butt. He'd never needed anything but his brawn before. I forget how that ended up!
Reply:i think you need a life and stop worrying about unreal stuff.
Reply:Its not the bright blue tights and underwear over them.
Reply:I am not sure if he is a "pansy"; but he sure is a dick!
Reply:Superman isn't a pansy hes pretty much been upgraded so much now because of the writers and realizing that so many other companies have made their heros and villians stronger than his first and strongest form which was pre crises so now they've made him even stronger I mean the sun can only power you so much if thats the case wouldn't some villian would have harnessed the sun by now as well,Come on man he beat death which is just plain dumb and faught an angel to a standstill I don't care how long your in the sun it can't make you a God it's a natural resource and you can't take an angel on they have complete power granted by a higher power trust me Superspeed cannot cross you ove into heaven or hell.He's complete overpowered and it sucks that his powers are already granted not earned and they only fluctuate due to his writers.Superman is not a pansy only his pansy A$$ writers for not allowing pre-crises to raise his powers by earning them not just Sunbathing.
Reply:Actually, there have been a number of stories where Superman loses his powers, but still kicked major ***.

Watch the Justice League episode "Hereafter" where he has to survive on a deserted planet without his powers.
Reply:Superman isn't so super at all.. i mean, who would wear their undies outside their tights??? seriously, that guy's got some issues...

and why doesn't anyone recognize that he's Superman when he's in Clark Kent's persona? Come on, it's only the glasses that makes the difference... people are just too blind to see that him and Superman are the same person... heehee ^__^
Reply:I don't get what you mean by "powers" and "talents"

All superheroes can be killed by little girls if they didn't have their superpowers. Batman and Spiderman too.

By the way, Batman is the most pansyest of them all. He doesn't have a girlfriend like spiderman and superman, plus he's always around that little boy(robin). ----statutory.

What exactly happened to pansy??? (mcr)?

all i know is frankie had a spazz. do you know anything else about it?

What exactly happened to pansy??? (mcr)?
Haha, Frankie was spinning, and it flipped off him, and it went into this big neon MTV sign. :P Then he blamed it on an MTV techie. Lol. :D 'ats what I heard, 'nwayz......
Reply:That MTV tech guy didn't break Pansy, Frank hit it into a MTV sign (not trying to be violent just for fun), and the sign was harder than he thought it was and it broke.
Reply:a guitar tech from mtv broke it.
Reply:no sorry dont no anything about it
Reply:Frank smashed it. Crazy kid.
Reply:pansy was killed by an MTV technician

:( ahh frank has really great show with her....R.I.P.
Reply:hmmm, i wonderd that also..i have no Idea hun!

sorry I was no help to your Q... :D
Reply:No idea.... but I'd like to know tht too! :)
Reply:im pretty sure an MTV tech broke it
Reply:I dunno, I liked that guitar tho!!

computer security

Websites that have pictures & info on different flowers?

Looking for websites with these flowers that shows a picture %26amp; tells you if they're annual or perannuals:

salvias, pansy, marigolds, dianthus, moss rose, begonia, impatiens, %26amp; snapdragons

Does annuals mean they only last that season, %26amp; perannual means they come up every yr?

Websites that have pictures %26amp; info on different flowers?

About annuals and perennials, you are right.
Reply: is a great website for plant id and info.

Could you make a good looking short film on say a 1 ccd camcorder?

I'm thinking about shooting a short film, but don't have the money for a fancy pansy 3-ccd camcorder or HDV, so I'm deciding to shoot on a cheap 1ccd camera for shots with artificial lighting, and all shoot on super 8 for daylight outdoor scenes because of the balance. Do you think I could get good quality?

Could you make a good looking short film on say a 1 ccd camcorder?
its about the craftsman not the supplies. if the story is good and everything else is good it should be great

My friend is having a party but he has no clue what to do- any ideas?

He's your typical New York cynic. He doesn't want themes. No movies, nothing pansy like scavenger hunts.

He asked me: "whats fun and not lame and is easy to drag 8 people with you that are equally excited to do the same thing"

Something like bowling, but better. Any ideas?

My friend is having a party but he has no clue what to do- any ideas?
Here are some ideas: Wax museum, Ice skating at Bryant Park/Rockefeller Center, MoMa, Mars 2012, Serendipity, Max Brenner's, Dylan's Candy Bar.
Reply:Well if your your friend like concerts my advice is go check out a cool concert in ny. If you don't like that idea you and your friends should go to the mall and just hang out there and have fun.

Why does coffee accelerate the growth of Plants?

This question is for serious scientific answers!!!!!!

A friend did an experiment on plants by feeding the pansy flowers coffee. The plants shot right up but wilted after too much. Why is this the case?

Why does coffee accelerate the growth of Plants?
well, the amounts of energy, id say. i pour energy drinks i dont finish on plants, and they shoot right up. and the wilted after too much, well, as in real life, ur heart will shut down after 2 much caffeine. sry i cant b of more help.
Reply:For those who don't know what a fertilizer is, it is a chemical or chemicals that are given to plants to promote growth. Either through foliar spraying or by applying it to the soil, fertilizers are instrumental in plant growth. This is because fertilizers generally provide in varying proportions nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, which are the three major plant nutrients. Additionally, fertilizers contain the secondary plant nutrients of calcium, sulfur, and magnesium to some degree. Fertilizers tend to contain trace elements like boron, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, and molybdenum that play a positive role in plant nutrition.

Studies have shown the effective role that spent coffee grounds can have in a garden as a fertilizer. Due to its high nitrogen content, spent coffee grounds contain properties that is excellent in plant health. As nitrogen is a crucial component of DNA, RNA, and proteins that plants need to build themselves, coffee is becoming increasingly used as a fertilizer. Additionally, recent studies have shown that spent coffee grounds also contain potassium, phosphorous, and other trace elements that only assist the development process for a plant. As far as wilting after too much coffee that as caused by over fertilization. Any fertilizer in excess will burn/kill a plant.
Reply:It some how affects the cytokinesis of the plants cell, its cell division. In the coffee there is something that quickens the rate of the cell division, thus making it grow faster.

music player

What do you think of all the rules surrounding quarterbacks in the NFL?

I personally think we've turned quarterbacks into a bunch of p*ssies. I understand rules that keep you from purposely taking cheap shots at quarterbacks. But I'm tired of Dlinesmen running full-speed at a qb, tryign to stop, accidentally bumping into the guy and knock them over and the refs throwing a flag over it. I especially hate the qb slide rule. I understand you don't want your qb to get hit. It's f*cking football. If you don't want to be hit, don't run the ball. Take a frickin' knee if you're that much of a pansy.

What do you think of all the rules surrounding quarterbacks in the NFL?
If you are not man enough to take a hit, get off of the field. If taking a hit is too "dangerous" for you, then retire and I assure you that there is no shortage of people who would love to take your place. Making millions each year and living the celebrity lifestyle.

All the people who like the "QB protection rules", answer me one question.... If football is constantly preached as a "team" sport, then why is one player singled out and seperate rules applied when it comes to making contact with him? Goes against the whole philosophy of the game in my opinion. All 11 guys win together, lose together, and should take their lumps together. The NFL has been trying for years to "tone down" the violence of the game, yet all players are taught to go "All Out" from the first day they ever strap on a set of pads. Let these guys hit each other and the strong will survive.
Reply:you must be a D-linemen....can u imagine how it feels getting thrown to the ground 20-30 times a week by guys that out weigh u anywhere from 75lbs- 200+lbs, also getting hit at full speed over and over? i understand that it makes the QB seem weak with all these dumb rules protecting them...but it make since...last year how many QBs got carted of the field cause they didnt slide , or they took that one blow from that Linebacker...that knocked him out for 8+ games....Trent Green Lost his starting spot because of it...Drew Bledsue lost his place in NE cause of Mo Lewis Knocking him sinceless...which gave Tom Brady his window to play. Steve Young- Troy Aikman, all ended their career short cause of constant shots to the head....i feel that both QBs had at least 2 or 3 more yrs in them. Look at Steve Humphreys...the year after coming off his Superbowl got popped in the Head so hard he pretty much lost 3 seasons from that hit. If they didnt set those rules there...some of ur GOOD QBs wouldnt be able play cause they get knocked out. you are not just playing a game, someone get a concussion, you are playing with lives and futures beyond the NFL. a former NFL player said once, "being in the NFL is not Life, its a Dream....Life starts after its all over...."

stop crying over the rules YOU BIG BABY....the defense cant hit the your dumb linemen, quit crying over sore fingers and sore toes......back in the day players were taught to play through pain....i remember back in the late 80 seeing llineman with cast on their arms still making 10+ sacks a season...Ronny Lott had part of a finger hacked off so he can finish a game....suck ur little aches and pains, and earn ur pay checks.....
Reply:i dont know where your from, but here in the N.O., we got DREW BREES, therefore, i like the ,yea i know it's f-ing football, but it's a rule with it!
Reply:Yeah I know ain't that just soft as hell?
Reply:I think they baby them way too much.
Reply:i partially agree. the qb is among the smaller men on the field and she--i mean *he* is essential to his teams success, so it makes sense to protect him. but i think part of the reason the nfl has chosen to enact all these rules protecting the qb is the same reason mlb has lowered the pitchers mound and juiced the ball--more offense. along with the nfl cracking down on dlinemen who muss the hair of the opposing qb, rules regulating interaction between recievers and dbacks have also tilted in favor of the offense. i agree the qb is over protected, especially the way the officials are interpreting the rules, but the nfl thinks that's what we want: more offense. unlike with mlb, i tend to agree.

Unusual hanging basket plants?

I've just bought some hanging baskets, but I want to put something different in them, I dont want the same old boring Lobelia or pansy's. I want something different to everyone else, If possible something that will keep flowering or a mix of different plants that will keep the flowers coming. Any ideas.

Unusual hanging basket plants?
Try Creeping Phlox. They will come back every year and they come in several colors. They will creep over the edge of the container like its spilling out.....pretty dramatic effect. I have a neighbor that has planted some in a bucket and he has tilted the buck to look like the phlox is pouring out of the bucket....its a very cool sight to see.
Reply:as long as you keep them watered all year you can grow any kind of hardy perenials creepers/spreading plants,campanulas,these will flower all summer, snow in summer, these flower late spring and go into summer,sedums with red or yellow flowers,creeping jenny is a good one with yellow flowers,you could put different varieties in and you keep the foliage on these kind of plants.,they don't have to be hanging plants as creepers will hang over the basket anyway as they grow. theres lots, try a few experiments!. good luck.
Reply:You could try Ivy-leaf pelargonium. Any variety with Balcon or good. You need to dead head regularly then you'll have flowers until the first frost. An alternative would be fuchsias, hundreds to choose from including some really weird ones.Lol.
Reply:Bacopa (Sutera cordata). Small five-petaled white or lavender flowers resemble stars. 'Giant Snowflake' reaches 6 to 8 inches tall and spreads 3 to 4 feet in a growing season. 'Olympic Gold' has leaves splotched with golden yellow; it's pretty with pink or coral impatiens.

Italian bellflower (Campanula isophylla). Trailing or hanging stems to 2 feet long; loose clusters of upward-facing, light blue star-shaped flowers. 'Alba' has white flowers.

Lotus maculatus 'Gold Flash'. Bright yellow flowers with orange red markings. Needs cool nights to set buds; where nights are warmer, try 'Amazon Sunset', with bright orange red flowers. Sun or part shade. Perennial.

Or you could go with the other Lotus berthelotii, worth growing for it's foliage alone.

Million Bells (Callbrachoa). A petunia relative with small bell-shaped blooms in white, pink, cherry, violet, terra-cotta, or yellow. Trailing and compact forms bloom prolifically all season. Sun or light shade.

Scaevola aemula. Lavender blue fan-shaped flowers. Trailing forms include 'Blue Wonder' and 'Colonial Fan'

Rosa Northamptonshire with its trailing habit %26amp; repeat flowering, is a low growing ground cover rose that can be used in a hanging basket. You could compliment it pale pink flowers with the stronger pink of Verbena Pink Parfait, ans maybe also Convolvulus sabatius with its small china blue flowers.

Or you could have a combo of Mimulus "viva" (monkey flower), with Lysimachia congestiflora (outback sunset), with orange nasturtiums like 'salmon baby', for a nice sunset colour basket.

Also nice as filler plants in a basket are Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'.... Helichrysum petiolare "aureum"... Brachycome multifida are great light blue flowers with orange/yellow centres...

Do you cling to your nearest and dearest when watching a horror film?

Lights on or off?

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers?

How about from behind the sofa?

Do you scream like a girl?

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film?

Are you a pansy or a wuss?!!!!

Thank you

Do you cling to your nearest and dearest when watching a horror film?
Reply:i cling to the remote, tightly, on the P+ button

lights on

on the sofa

i don't scream

no need to be accompanied by anyone

i am te half way mark
Reply:i ll invite chucky's bride and devil pinky to watch a surprise new horror show ... about the invasion of spider-infested zombies.... these spiders should scare the evil out of golden angel and pinky ...
Reply:No are normally clinging to me !!

Lights on or off? OFF

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers? NO

How about from behind the sofa? Not a chance.

Do you scream like a girl? Nope, I laugh at my kids..ha ha

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film? No and I hide when they go..I shouldn't but I love seeing them jump out of their skin!!

Are you a pansy or a wuss?!!!! Neither
Reply:Yes I grab the closest person to me

Lights on or off? Off

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers? Pillow

How about from behind the sofa? Hmm... No never did that

Do you scream like a girl? I am a girl hehe so yea

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film? haha yea it's happened

Are you a pansy or a wuss? hmm... I'm Stefy? wuss at times

It all depends on how scary it is
Reply:Lights on or off?off

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers?behind a pillow

How about from behind the sofa?

Do you scream like a girl?no but I cover my ears so I wont hear the screaming.

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film?no

Are you a pansy or a wuss?!!!!..sometimes a wuss if a movie is very vevry

@POKEY:NO NO I wont watch it,I freakn hate spiders!!!
Reply:I'm more scared watching CNN than a horror movies!!!
Reply:I watch horror movies like a lil devil enjoying the ride :P
Reply:lights off, i just sit on my couch, i am a girl but i dont scream, i go to the bathroom alone...horror movies arent all that scary i find them quite boring actually they have no PLOT.
Reply:Lights on or off? - ON, lol

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers? - behind a pillow

How about from behind the sofa? - now that's too much :P

Do you scream like a girl? - sure, coz i am a girl after al, haha

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film? - no, lol

Are you a pansy or a wuss?!!!! - a wuss, hehe
Reply:I'm a wuss!

AG,go on you tube and type in "exorcism of Emily rose"

parts of the film will come up.

watch them all,i watched it at 11pm last night and couldnt sleep,well without my tv on lol.and i woke up at 3am i shat my self. plz watch them....
Reply:LOL i dont prefer to watch them i watch them only if some girls wants yes she hug me and get body to body, idk why people watch it if they are

Lights on or off?OFF

Do you watch from behind a pillow or do you dive under the covers?LOL neither

How about from behind the sofa?NO

Do you scream like a girl?NO, but i can scream like a girl.

Do you ask someone to go with you, when you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night after watching a horror film?Haha no.

i watch em on my own coz my bro's too scared, moms too busy, n dads not around...!

i usually watch em downstairs, in the living room while moms in her bedroom with the laptop, my bro in his room with his ps2 or woteva xbox **** he has

so....I'M ON MY OWNNNN!!!!

lights OFF of course!!!!

im on the sofa, n i hug a pillow!!!

i dnt scream, i jus shiver lollz!!!

i never get scared, except this time when i was up at midnight watchin this horror film called Black Xmas, where a mad murderer lives in the attic n comes to kill u O_O!!! N GUESS WOT!!! THE ATTIC IS IN MY ROOOM!!!!!

all night long i kept starrin at it XD!!!!

i wnna see the hitcher!!! i did a drama piece on it, i was the mad murderer.....i think u guessed dat XD!

How can I stop the pigeons eating the leaves of my pansies. They stripped them bare last winter , now again?

I have over 80 plants in large concrete pots. They only eat the ones in the front garden but leave the back pots alone

How can I stop the pigeons eating the leaves of my pansies. They stripped them bare last winter , now again?
In your pots place 3 sticks to form a triangle then fasten some black thread between the sticks they can't see this so they will be frightened when they come into contact with the thread,
Reply:make a weak solution of washing up liquid and water and squirt on leaves thay don't like the taste repells other bugs as well
Reply:a SHOTGUN will stop them with the bonus of pigeon pie suppers
Reply:put scare crows up???
Reply:Hi try making like a tepee using bean poles and netting to keep them off.or maybe get some pretty little windmills .they would look nicer than netting .
Reply:A nice fine mist of a hot pepper sauce will fix that. Spray the plants and wait.
Reply:One thing you could do is make sort of like a cage out of wire or netting for your plants to be in. They'll still get the rain and sun, but the birds won't bother them. Another thing you can do that works pretty well is put a few fake owls or hawks around your plants. Pigeons aren't as afraid of scarecrows but you could try that too. As long as you move them around every few days or once everyweek, they should stay cautious of the objects and keep their distance. Do you have any bird feeders near the plants? If you do, you might could try moving them far away so the pigeons and doves would be attracted to the seed instead of coming to eat your plants, since their main diet is of seed and grains.

I haven't found pepper sauce to help much with keeping birds away, but the net/wire barriers are the best thing you can do. Shooting and poisoning should be your very last options. I don't know about you, but I like having wild birds in my yard. Besides, they're just trying to find a little something to eat during the cold winter months. You can't really blame them for that.

- Becky


I am writing an essay on gutless, pansy traitors and I need synomyns for 'liberal'. Please help out?

It is due in two hours. Darn my procrastinating ways!!!

I am writing an essay on gutless, pansy traitors and I need synomyns for 'liberal'. Please help out?


America hater

freedom hater

nosy busy body

anti worker
Reply:my personal favorite is a term coined by Michael Savage

Red Doper Diaper Babies
Reply:Reported. Thanks for the two points. Your question will be deleted soon.

PS: The gutless liberals as you call them won both world wars and brought peace to the world.
Reply:Due in two hours? Guess you're gonna get an "F" ain't ya? Too bad.
Reply:try Neocons...they are the biggest traitors the US has.
Reply:I love synomyn french toast
Reply:gutless= the French
Reply:Why do you want to use up your crayons on something you are totally unqualified to judge? First focus on trying to graduate from high school. Then you might get a job better than delivering Pizza. Then stop scratching your pimples and you might even get a date. Then you can work on your social skills like not picking your nose at the dinner table and keeping your moronic mouth shut when in the company of adults. And finally you should learn to not skip your medication, you might hurt yourself. Do all these things and you might even start to walk upright.
Reply:What community college do you go to? Or are you just prending to go community college to write this pointless question?
Reply:I'm sure there are many articles about Ann Coulter, Rush :Limbaugh and the conservative movement on the internet that can help you out.
Reply:Patriots, heros... Sounds like you already have your synonyms for Cons. But you didn't spell it right sweetie.
Reply:A Liberal would have had it done on time. You must have wasted too much time throwing rocks at gays and pregnant teenagers.

ha ha ha ha ha ha hippo crit.

Most Republican politicians are gay, ask them.

Mitt Romney's $300 makeup job is all the "pansy" you need.
Reply:you represent your side well.
Reply:Why would you want to make a fool of yourself in front of your classmates?

Are there any soccer players that play the game tough and the right way, with out doing any pansy dives?

not any more

Are there any soccer players that play the game tough and the right way, with out doing any pansy dives?

Best type of mulch to use near the house for Pansies?

Wood mulch isn't really good for near the house due to termites so what is a better solution to use?

Best type of mulch to use near the house for Pansies?
Shred your leaves and use them, also composted cotton burr is terrific, ask for it at your garden center. Composted cow manure is also really good.
Reply:Pine straw is a good mulch, looks natural and will show off the pansies well. You can then turn it in when you pull the pansies out.
Reply:try colored stone

mulch as it gets older introduces molds %26amp; fungus

How Do I Grow Pansies From Seeds In A flower Pot?

Could someone give me the steps, so that I can follow them.

How Do I Grow Pansies From Seeds In A flower Pot?
Morning sun, pm shade. place a strip of saran wrap over the pot to create a greenhouse effect. Use a mild mixture of miracle gro and water.(after they begin to sprout, use the miracle gro plant food sticks! (They're $1 or so, then only use water). Never pour miracle gro into the green plant itself, it will burn it. make sure you use good potting mix and not cheap stuff. They should also be exposed to the pollen (which is shedding right now so lose the saran wrap or create holes for the pollen to get in........)


What is the best fertilizer for seedlings, such as pansies, viola, snapdragons etc.?

I use blood and bone and chicken pellets. Is there anything better now.

What is the best fertilizer for seedlings, such as pansies, viola, snapdragons etc.?
I usually plant my seeds and seedlings in Miracle Gro potting soil which contains a slow release version of their fertilizer. Once established I use Miracle Gro to fertilize through the growing season. It's also good for houseplants but don't mix the fertilizer as strong as you would for outside plants. The directions and dilution ratios are on the package.
Reply:I use blood and bone meal for bulbs. Miracle Grow is a good all around fertilizer

Is this a pansy school?

Our high school football team had a remarkable season last year. We made it to state for the 1st time in 19 years. However, we lost the state championship game to a school that recrutes good atheltes from all over the country and keeps the enrollment down so the have easy competition in lower competition classes. Are they a pansy school

Is this a pansy school?
It is an age old debate of public schools vs private schools. It is a competition in which the public schools often come out on the short end of the stick on.

While it may not be fair, It certainly does not make them a pansy school. I know in NJ, there is always an uproar that public schools do not want to play the bigger private schools such as Don Bosco, Bergen Catholic and such... The results are usually a blowout...

I can see both sides of the issue but there doesn't seem to be a great answer...
Reply:They may be a pansy school but as you know they are not a pansy team. It sucks to have your season end like that. At least you made the playoffs for the first time and then factor in playing for a state title. Nice job!
Reply:i dont own a garden,sorry
Reply:Of course they are a pansy school. Sounds like they are a private school by your description- pansies all of them. Lily white and soft as tofu. But, guess what, your school is worse. Can't beat the "Sacred Heart Fighting Pansies?"

safety boots

How quickly do pansies grow? Any really good websites on pansies out there?

Pansies grow about an inch a week in season and there are newer varieties, like the ice pansy, bred to withstand light snow.

Pansies grow 4 to 8 inches tall and have the same light requirements as dusty miller even though they are often sold as shade-loving plants, which they are not

Pansies grow best when night temperatures are below 65 F, which makes them ideal for fall gardens

Pansies grow to about 8 inches high and petals are often striped or blotched

I hope it helps.

How quickly do pansies grow? Any really good websites on pansies out there?
How to grow pansies:
Reply:the key to pansies is removing the blooms as they fade and never letting the plant go to seed

remove all of the first few blooms before they open this will make for a stronger plant for the whole season.

they love the cooler weather

an even feed will give good results (20-20-20)

any good soil

make sure they are well watered if the temperatures are extremely cold this will help them survive

Pansy seeds?

i planted these seeds 2 weeks ago and they are starting to grow. it says on pkt can be sown in june or july for early flowering next problem is when they have grown big enough do i plant them out over the winter or keep them in the greenhouse all winter

Pansy seeds?
depending on where you live, pansies can live through the winter.. In my area, they are spring and fall plants. the heat is too much for them in the summer.. I'll bet you get a nice fall display from them.. and maybe even next spring from the same plants.
Reply:i live in cold winter climate and i just keep them in the ground. they come back each year.

What does pansy mean?

My friends kept calling a guy pansy...

They assumed I knew what they were talking about...

So, is it like girly or something?

Is it an insult?

What does pansy mean?
Slang: Disparaging and Offensive.

a. male homosexual.

b. a weak, effeminate, and often cowardly man.

It usually is taken as an insult between guys.
Reply:a male homosexual or a weak, effeminate, and often cowardly man.
Reply:girly, feminine, homosexual, flowery.

yes, it is an insult.
Reply:its a derogatory word guys use to say youre girly or feminine.....
Reply:It's a slur for a feminine gay guy. (although it's not that harsh or anything.)
Reply:You are right...weak like a girl.

Are there any soccer players that play the game tough and the right way, with out doing any pansy dives?

of course there is, you only have to look at Van nistelrooy against Italy, who could have easily gone down for a penalty but chose to stay on his feet.

Dance Shoes

Since when did football become a pansy sport?

The refs are calling stuff way to much.First of all it is nearly impossible to make a deffensive play if you are a cornerback...I mean they are calling a pass inference almost a everytime a cornerback touches the receiver.Also I see flags flying if there is a little push to a quarterback after he throws the ball or if he runs and steps out of bounds...I mean come on we are playing football.Or the kicker He kicks the ball and because a defnder is coming full speed to block it he cannot control himself so he just bumps him and they get a first down.And the last thing...if you are not going to call helmet to helmet consistently dont call it.I was enraged when they called that helmet to helmet on georgia tech!

Since when did football become a pansy sport?
A football game is like going to a gay bar. A bunch of guys, who are way too into working out, are in the middle of everything trying to penetrate each other’s end zones. While the women are off to the side dancing with each other.
Reply:When? Try 'never'.

I imagine owners and officials are trying to avoid having too many gridironers stumbling-around on queer street from excessive roughness.

The Joe Montanas of professional football have made enough dough to bail rather than take a chance on that final cortex-scrambling blow but too many of the 'spear-carryers' stick-around and are liable to end up...bad.
Reply:I agree with the asker here. To quote the great Deacon Jones (roughly, from his appearance on NFL total access), 'in my day we didn't have positions 3, 4 or 5 people deep. if you couldn't keep yourself healthy you didn't make it in the NFL. today the league is full of trash'

and I agree with him. It's not just because players are bigger now (bigger--%26gt;more ouch to other guy) because back then they were smaller, but proportionatly the defensive guys were bigger than the guys on offense. Today players are babied too much. They need to be conditioned better, etc.

I have icicle pansies I purchased last month- if I plant them now will they rebloom until next fall?

I would hate to plant them and have to plant something there again in spring. Does anyone know about how long they live?

I have icicle pansies I purchased last month- if I plant them now will they rebloom until next fall?
pansies are cool weather plants and are annuals I live in Alabama and they will live from now until about May or June(when the weather really warms up)

What is a good flower (perennial) to plant between tulips ?

I am in Reading PA.....hardiness zone 7 I believe. My tulips are about done blooming and I don't want the area to be bare but am not a fan of pansy type flowers. suggestions?

What is a good flower (perennial) to plant between tulips ?
Coreopsis, daylilies, poppies, gaillarida (blanket flower), echinnacea - perrenials - all very easy to grow, all full sun. All do really well in my garden near Buffalo NY. All do well in any kind of soil, even not so great soil.
Reply:phlox... they are a small ground-creeping flower that bloom for quite a while and also make good cover for lazy gardeners like me. they come in purple, pink, and white, although the natural color of purple seems to be the hardiest

How can a person weigh in on a political subject without being in violation?

Is this a pansy forum or can the truth be told?

How can a person weigh in on a political subject without being in violation?
This is a pansy forum with little girls getting their panties all in a bunch every time someone says something that they don't like.

I've had several questions deleted in the last week alone.
Reply:It's pretty easy to weigh-in -- Just do it in an appropriate way.

I have never had a question or answer removed and I weigh in plenty. If you just follow the rules, you won't have a problem.
Reply:By following the community guidelines.

If you have a good grasp of the English language, decent grammar, good spelling skills and are able to put a thought in a sentence or an idea in a paragraph without using profanity, hate speech, perforatives, then you will be fine.

From this questions, it seems to be obvious that you have difficulty in this.

safety shoes

Who is planning on going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter when it opens?

It opens out late next year and am planning on going with my sister as Pansy Parkinson and myself as Moaning Myrtle:)

I want to be there once it opens but am scared of how packed its going to be!!

Do you think there will be more adults than children?

Who is planning on going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter when it opens?
I doubt it but of there are young children might b ea little more if both parents come

What are the best bedding plants/flowers that do well in shady area's?

I would love to know the best plants/flowers (annuals/perennials) that flower and thrive in shady areas.

I have planted pansy's n they are thriving although the daisy's aren't doing so well, but i would lbe grateful of plants/flowers with colour. That are hardy enough to survive shady area's.

Many Thanks xxx

What are the best bedding plants/flowers that do well in shady area's?
Flowering plants which do well for me: impatiens, astilbe, bleeding heart, foxglove, columbine, primroses, evening primroses

Foliage plants: hostas, ferns, coleus- some of these are as showy if not more than the flowering ones.

Jacob's Ladder (I have a beautiful variegated variety called Brise d'Anjou) is an example of both foliage and flowering plant.

Ground cover: Ivy and vinca (with mauve flowers) is what I grow in the Bay Area in CA. Also, green moss (Scotch/ Irish), baby's tears, etc.

All these require different levels of shade and moisture, so check what would work for your garden site and geographic area.
Reply:Grow inpatients. They come in many colors and are a hardy plant
Reply:Hosta and there are many kinds and sizes. I had a deck that got no sun but the hosta grew to be huge. I had about 6-8 different variety and always got comments.
Reply:Impatiens, begonias, hostas, lenten rose (hellebores), foxglove, bleeding hearts, vinca minor, some hydrangeas.
Reply:Flowering Plant%26amp; Colors

Bleeding hearts ~ Pink and white

Hosta ~ Blue and white

Azalea, Dwarf Red Hardy ~ Red

Hydrangea ~ Red, blue, white, pink, yellow

Toad lily ~ Blue spotted with brown/red

~ Pink spotted with Yellow/brown

Lily of the Valley ~ Pink and white

That should get you started!!
Reply:Hostas! They come in solid and variegated colors. They do need slightly richer soil than is found in most shady areas, so be sure to augment your soil with manure or compost.
Reply:Impatients,do very well in shady areas. You can get them in a load of colors. They grow very fast.

How to get rid of crickets in the home?

I've got these HUGE crickets in the basement...hundreds of them. And since i'm a big pansy and can't handle hundreds of bugs jumping at/around me...I refuse to go into my basement. Any idears what pesticide would be best to use? My poor pool table is getting lonely down there :)

How to get rid of crickets in the home?
I have had that problem in Arizona, during Cricket season, they cover my house sometimes, enter in through the garage and get inside the house. I have went into my bathroom and killed one after another... ick! The best solution I have found is sealing off your house (or in your case basement) and set off a few of the store bought bug bombs. You can find them most anywhere, leave them for around 2 hours and you should come home to a ton of dead crickets. Good luck!
Reply:If your problem is of this magnitude, I would recommend a professional exterminator. While you can kill them with a bug bomb, that won't keep them away. You need to find the point of entry, and to seal it permanently. Good luck.
Reply:You could get a Gecko lizard.