It is due in two hours. Darn my procrastinating ways!!!
I am writing an essay on gutless, pansy traitors and I need synomyns for 'liberal'. Please help out?
America hater
freedom hater
nosy busy body
anti worker
Reply:my personal favorite is a term coined by Michael Savage
Red Doper Diaper Babies
Reply:Reported. Thanks for the two points. Your question will be deleted soon.
PS: The gutless liberals as you call them won both world wars and brought peace to the world.
Reply:Due in two hours? Guess you're gonna get an "F" ain't ya? Too bad.
Reply:try Neocons...they are the biggest traitors the US has.
Reply:I love synomyn french toast
Reply:gutless= the French
Reply:Why do you want to use up your crayons on something you are totally unqualified to judge? First focus on trying to graduate from high school. Then you might get a job better than delivering Pizza. Then stop scratching your pimples and you might even get a date. Then you can work on your social skills like not picking your nose at the dinner table and keeping your moronic mouth shut when in the company of adults. And finally you should learn to not skip your medication, you might hurt yourself. Do all these things and you might even start to walk upright.
Reply:What community college do you go to? Or are you just prending to go community college to write this pointless question?
Reply:I'm sure there are many articles about Ann Coulter, Rush :Limbaugh and the conservative movement on the internet that can help you out.
Reply:Patriots, heros... Sounds like you already have your synonyms for Cons. But you didn't spell it right sweetie.
Reply:A Liberal would have had it done on time. You must have wasted too much time throwing rocks at gays and pregnant teenagers.
ha ha ha ha ha ha hippo crit.
Most Republican politicians are gay, ask them.
Mitt Romney's $300 makeup job is all the "pansy" you need.
Reply:you represent your side well.
Reply:Why would you want to make a fool of yourself in front of your classmates?
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