Friday, November 18, 2011

Unusual hanging basket plants?

I've just bought some hanging baskets, but I want to put something different in them, I dont want the same old boring Lobelia or pansy's. I want something different to everyone else, If possible something that will keep flowering or a mix of different plants that will keep the flowers coming. Any ideas.

Unusual hanging basket plants?
Try Creeping Phlox. They will come back every year and they come in several colors. They will creep over the edge of the container like its spilling out.....pretty dramatic effect. I have a neighbor that has planted some in a bucket and he has tilted the buck to look like the phlox is pouring out of the bucket....its a very cool sight to see.
Reply:as long as you keep them watered all year you can grow any kind of hardy perenials creepers/spreading plants,campanulas,these will flower all summer, snow in summer, these flower late spring and go into summer,sedums with red or yellow flowers,creeping jenny is a good one with yellow flowers,you could put different varieties in and you keep the foliage on these kind of plants.,they don't have to be hanging plants as creepers will hang over the basket anyway as they grow. theres lots, try a few experiments!. good luck.
Reply:You could try Ivy-leaf pelargonium. Any variety with Balcon or good. You need to dead head regularly then you'll have flowers until the first frost. An alternative would be fuchsias, hundreds to choose from including some really weird ones.Lol.
Reply:Bacopa (Sutera cordata). Small five-petaled white or lavender flowers resemble stars. 'Giant Snowflake' reaches 6 to 8 inches tall and spreads 3 to 4 feet in a growing season. 'Olympic Gold' has leaves splotched with golden yellow; it's pretty with pink or coral impatiens.

Italian bellflower (Campanula isophylla). Trailing or hanging stems to 2 feet long; loose clusters of upward-facing, light blue star-shaped flowers. 'Alba' has white flowers.

Lotus maculatus 'Gold Flash'. Bright yellow flowers with orange red markings. Needs cool nights to set buds; where nights are warmer, try 'Amazon Sunset', with bright orange red flowers. Sun or part shade. Perennial.

Or you could go with the other Lotus berthelotii, worth growing for it's foliage alone.

Million Bells (Callbrachoa). A petunia relative with small bell-shaped blooms in white, pink, cherry, violet, terra-cotta, or yellow. Trailing and compact forms bloom prolifically all season. Sun or light shade.

Scaevola aemula. Lavender blue fan-shaped flowers. Trailing forms include 'Blue Wonder' and 'Colonial Fan'

Rosa Northamptonshire with its trailing habit %26amp; repeat flowering, is a low growing ground cover rose that can be used in a hanging basket. You could compliment it pale pink flowers with the stronger pink of Verbena Pink Parfait, ans maybe also Convolvulus sabatius with its small china blue flowers.

Or you could have a combo of Mimulus "viva" (monkey flower), with Lysimachia congestiflora (outback sunset), with orange nasturtiums like 'salmon baby', for a nice sunset colour basket.

Also nice as filler plants in a basket are Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'.... Helichrysum petiolare "aureum"... Brachycome multifida are great light blue flowers with orange/yellow centres...

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