Sunday, May 16, 2010

I have a burrowing animal in my garden eating all my plants at the stems..small 2" holes all over.What is it?

THE ONLY PLANTS NOT GETTING EATEN IS MY HYDRENGAS AND HOSTAS. Pansies, chives, onions, kale, and all my lillies were lopped off at the stem base. Help

I have a burrowing animal in my garden eating all my plants at the stems..small 2" holes all over.What is it?
creatures called voles or the common name feild mice or could be plain rabbits but if you do not see rabbits then it is voles

a mole eats worms and meat, a vole eats roots and plants
Reply:Hi, Might be little moles. The small hole in the ground sounds like them. Moth balls are great deterrents, or just let your cat out. Clears 'em up real fast-like.
Reply:It is very possible, that you either have a mole or a shrew?
Reply:More than likely, it's probably moles. They live underground, but feed on the surface when the sun isn't bright, because they are blind, somewhat. To get rid of the moles, you have to buy a chemical the kills the grubs, which is the mole's primary food source. Only until then, will the moles migrate to your neighbor's yard. The only other culprit could be the bunny rabbit, because they feed close to the ground, but not as close as the mole. Deer, rabbits, and moles all have a different preference as far as cuisine goes, but certain things deter all of them. Deer don't like Marigolds, Boxwood, and other things, especially human hair, human urine, Cayenne pepper, rotten egg yolks, and garlic. I'll cut to the chase.....all of these garden freeloaders don't like a scent that is repulsive to them or a scent that resembles a potential predator.
Reply:one of the creatures from the movie...tremors !!!

with kevin bacon. lol.

seriously, maybe a mole.
Reply:Have you seen "Caddy Shack" Give Bill Murray a call he will fix your problem. Dynamite or rat poison should do the job. Little buggers.
Reply:It might be a prairie dog. Does it chirp and stand up on two legs, tan in color? That's probably what it is.
Reply:Voles eat plants and grass roots. Moles eat the grubs in the soil.
Reply:first thing I would do is check for grubs do you have little tunnels of raised ground if so I think it is moles they will eat and destroy all young tender vegetation if this is the case then you would need something to kill the Grubs

Bayer make some thing that will ! Skunks are also known to do this. but they also feed on the grubs
Reply:sounds like a common mole there are traps that they can be caught in with out harming them to be released far away later
Reply:Could be a chipmunk. They live in small holes around my garden and seem to nibble everything.
Reply:If you are in the South then it sounds like moles or voles. Yes, there is help. I did this myself this year and it worked. You can buy a mole/vole trap at your local Home store or you can look up home remedies for them.

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