Thursday, May 20, 2010

So brits are so panified they had my other brit question removed?

Compared to WW2 Brits, todays brits sure are weak little pansies aren't they.

So brits are so panified they had my other brit question removed?
Are you talking about the people who would be doing the goose step and speaking German and have no King or Queen if they had not received help from afar. There are differences like location of incidents such as New York vs London. Hitler was not a coward and did not hide in a birka so you knew who to fight. All muslims are cowards and as such, must hide from eachother.
Reply:Not the ones I met who were fighting with me over in Iraq. They were pretty cool. So were the Australians.
Reply:Hallo Troll,

Is panified a real word in the English language?

If so please post a definition!

Tell us of your experience back in WW2 as well, we are all ears.
Reply:No - the true problem isn't what you are implying. The true problem is that it isn't Great Britain of WWII anymore - there are plenty of good people over there, and plenty who are just as hateful and wrong as you are.

Do you even have a clue about what's up there? Did you know the most common boys name given to infants in G.B. is Mohammed? (or a derivation thereof)

If you want to go be hateful with no reason, go to wherever you hate people and start shooting, bombing, or whatever - or are you a pansy like you think the Brits are? You can be the first U.S. terrorist off of our soil.
Reply:What are you talking about! We British are not weak little pansies. We have one of the best countries in the world thanks to those so called weak, little pansies.
Reply:Good Evening. May I put the view of a well reasoned educated and politically central Englishman?

No we are not pansies. The veneer of civilisation over the core of a True Briton is very thin and, when scratched, will reveal the true hardcore combatant beneath.

True, we do not wear our hearts on our sleeves as many Americans do (I`m not knocking it, different strokes for different folks) but we do have feelings of grief, hatred and the other full range of emotions.

After suffering 30 years of terrorism at the hands of the IRA we have still not surrendered one square inch of territory to their demands. The fact that we have to talk with them and give them a nominal say in the running of Northern Ireland is a small price to pay for the cessation of violence. Always remember that the British Army went to Northern Ireland to protect CATHOLICS from militant protestantism. And yes I did get that the right way round.

As for the comments above about the fighting qualities of our soldiers from an American Serviceman, my thanks to you for your comments and the efforts of you and your comrades alongside those of other countries in trying to help deliver a safer world.

We suffered badly in the suicide bombings of 7/7 two years ago but this did not deter us from continuing the support for the attempt to bring peace, democracy and stability to Iraq and to try to prevent terrorism around the world. The lily livered appeasers that you see on television are a loudly mouthed minority in this country, unfortunately the people in charge are of a tendency to agree with them but, with luck, that may change at next election time.

The same people are responsible for allowing far too much unchecked immigration and the growth of the horribly annoying PC culture in which you have to be careful what you say in case you upset some poor persons feelings. They do not represent the average Briton

Finally, may I ask you to come over here and make your comments out loud in front of me and I will personally knock your teeth down your f***ing throat before reaching down past them and pulling your a***hole over your f***ing head.

Sorry did someone scratch the veneer???

Reply:No, I believe recent terroristic threats and actions have shown the British are still made of the same cloth there forefathers were made of.

What makes you think they are pansies? Their intelligence community is second to none, their military are as strong as ever, albeit a bit small in number, but that doesn't detract from their professional abilities.

Their Parliament is no different than any other rilling or governing body, some for your ideas some against. My favorite was taking away their firearms and the crime rate has gone out of sight.

And, they have the Queen, God Bless Her! What other hierarchical family has not one but two Royals in the monarchy's' service?

Why should we be so judgmental? They will do what has to be done when the time comes.

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