Friday, May 21, 2010

Why do people watch basketball?

I dont understand. There are 10 tall skinny guys who throw a ball in a basket. When they get the slightest tap on the arm or whatever, they complain and its against the rules. If they get slightly shoved, they fall to the ground and complain. Or they lie there because that tiny push hurt them soooo bad. I see it as a real pansy sport with no contact and a lot of whining. Everyone tries to get all pumped up with it but how can you with skinny lanky guys complaining about someone slapping them and then trying to act tough? Why don't people watch a real sport like hockey or football?

Why do people watch basketball?
Basketball these days sucks. It went from a game of skill revolving around team play and shooting (when whites were the majority) to an athletic competition where the only point to is showboat and get yourself in the highlight reels.
Reply:Basketball's a most favored sport by many people. Ever since I watched basketball, even as a little child, my skills improved dramatically. I understand exactly what you're saying, but what if I asked you why people watch football or baseball. How would that make you feel? Basketball is my favorite thing to watch on TV and without it, what do you think life could possibly be like to basketball fans? How would we know who wins or looses games? Since I never have free tickets to a basketball game or something like that, I could just watch it on TV and asked my friends or family how it was like.
Reply:If you think there is no real physical contact in basketball then you have never played organized basketball. And the reason I watch basketball is because it's the word we learn to say in the state of Kentucky before DaDa. We live, eat and breathe it. Even funerals are scheduled around basketball games.
Reply:well a lot of people DO watch hockey and football. that is american football. if you are talking soccer, then forget it. thats not a sport thats more of an exhibition of running skill than anything else. it takes more skill to throw a little ball into a little hoop than to kick a small ball into a HUGE net thats for sure. as for hockey i love it but it doesnt get the credit it deserves. basketball is a lot of fun but i do agree that there are too many complainers playing it. they rules are too stiff in regards to fouls. unless someone is bleeding or bruised, NO FOUL!!
Reply:I could never get into basketball either. But some people like it for whatever reasons, and from what I hear, it's a lot rougher than it looks.
Reply:peop;e habe different views aout things, and you must respect that. like me, i love basketball sooo much. when i tried watching soccer during the FIBA world cup, i got so damn bored. they haven't scored a goal after 1hr, yet people who watch it get amused, but for me, it's boring. that's what's makes us unique, our different views. if for you watching hockey or football makes you enjoy, then for us it's basketball. this game gives us a feeling of enjoyment and make us forget our pronlems temporarily. and maybe you just don't know the game itself, but for us, we all have the same voice that says, " i love this game!"

peace out.=p
Reply:The athletes have to be in tremendously good physical condition to play because they are constantly running up and down a 92 ft court.

They have to have skills such as dribbling without looking at the ball, shooting while driving to the basket or pulling up for 2 or 3 pt jumpers, rebounding against other big powerful men, and play as a team.

Plus, the game is fluid and always moving, unlike baseball and football.
Reply:people watch basketball because they want to
Reply:I think it is very easy to simplifiy any sport like you did in the opening of you question. Like: Football is nothing more than two teams of a few athelic people and a majority of fat people pushing eachother around while attempting to play pass. If someone should pass a line they get points and then get to kick a ball through so Y looking thing. When they get mad they shoot people while off the clock. Now that is not what Football is and what you said is not what Basketball is. Have you seen some of the injuries that occur on basketball. When you get ran down by a 250Lb man and get slammed down on a wood floor that hurts a little more than being hit by a 250Lb man while you are wearing protective gear and fal on grass. The reason why players complain is not because they got hurt and want to cry about it, it is because of consistency. Ref's will call a foul at one end of he court and not the other. I think you would be able to relate to a time time where the rules seemed to be different for other than yourself. That is why the argue calls ( not cry about them) Basketball is a fast paced, contact sport( if ya dont believe it they you've never watched it) that is my american pastime. It hold some of the greatest players in the world. Just like football, baseball, and hockey, you either like it or you dont. I love basketball because these players play thier hearts out ofr a chance for it all. Just like all other sports. I dont like football, baseball, or hockey, but I wont call them winers or fatasses, I just say I dont like the game. How about you do the same.
Reply:I just got into it not too long ago. I'd rather watch basketball than football, but I'm a chick. I just like it.
Reply:Because Football and Hockey is a Sport for GAYS only who would want 12 muscular men on top of them feeling them up and touching them unlike Basketball which is 10X more fun to watch then Real PANSY sports like footbal and Hockey you Queer
Reply:i don't think anyone in hockey would want to mess with shaq, ben wallace, ron artest, or any other big men in the league... and all true sport fans love all sports, love thier teams, loves the competitiveness, etc... you probably don't like basketball because you don't understand the rules, don't understand or know the players/stats, etc... just like i don't like watching golf, i don't know what their doing, doesn't mean golf isn't a sport... if you think only men who can hit each other and tackle each other is a real sport, then you are also disregarding baseball, soccer, and a myriad of other sports that don't allow full contact...
Reply:I watch basketball cuz its better than other sports.
Reply:I like football, hockey and basketball. But say basketball players aren't tough is pretty ridiculous. Pretty much every basketball player could play football in the NFL. They have the size, strength and speed to do it. Just look at Antonio Gates who never played a down in college.
Reply:The tap in arm effects the shot...duh. Ever try playing the game you will see, it is a real sport. They complain because they have the right to, the fall because their just 'flopping". A basketball term that I don't expect you to understand. Basketball is alot more then just "throw" the ball into the "basket". it's about speed, energy, jumping, timing and smarts. If you want a contact sport go watch wrestling. This is a sport for men that don't need violence to win a game.....oh but in the streets, it is a real contact sport haha. You can get your nose broken, lose a few teeth.
Reply:i agree i like watching your mom in mommy does the mavericks, the mountainerrs, the mormons, and the monkeys
Reply:Hey... It's better than soccer
Reply:....because they don't like watching hockey or football.
Reply:Have you ever heard of a guy by the name of Tyler Hansbrough? He plays for UNC and gets hit every time he goes down low. Plus, he's stronger than a lot of football players and definitely stronger than you. So, instead of making a stupid assumption that basketball is a pansy sport, maybe you should watch this guy!
Reply:i play basketball but soccer much more. Basketball is definitely not a pansy sport. thats what you think. you think getting slapped here and there is all they get then you obviously don't play the game. If you think getting pounded by 6 and 7 footers is pansy then your wrong. Each sport as something unique to it. Basketball is great to watch because its very fast paced. And for all of you out there dissin soccer. screw you. You just don't see the beauty and art of it.
Reply:Everyone is not tall and skinny Some are short and some are fat. They all train and compete. Its the best sport ever.
Reply:Your just talking about the how the game works. Basketball isn't just that, it makes you feel anxious when time runs out, if he will be able to block the ball, if he can draw the foul, if the opposing player fell for the crossover, and if the ball goes in or not. It is other people's essence. Basketball is very interesting. And also a team game.

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