Friday, May 21, 2010

Should we have faih in our own government anymore?

Our laws and values system in this country is slowly being slung out the window like a bucket of piss. The government says they are for "border control" yet hundreds slip across those borders every week. What good are laws if they are not enforced? The illegals that want to stay living here enjoying our country and not become citizens need one-way tickets back to their own country. What we need in the white house and the pentagon are some people with balls, not a bunch of big mouthed pansies. Maybe a woman does need to become President.

Should we have faih in our own government anymore?
its time to vote for people that do take this seriously and want to up hold the laws. I have a feeling that if nothing is done there will be alot of new faces in congress.
Reply:i cant have faith in any thing or anybody that lies. and thats all they do .
Reply:Technically, the government is still good. It's the people running it who are bad.

We the people need to get more informed, more involved, and elect more grass roots candidates to office. We need to stop pandering to special interests and wedge issue groups.

We need to focus on what is best for our communities and for our country.

The GOP isn't doing that. The Dems are not doing that. We have to start from scratch.

Best thing to do, vote the Republicans out in '06. Then work on the Democrats.

Its our country, and we need to remind those in office who they work for; The people, not private interests.
Reply:If they do not represent the majority, they are out of office. MAKE SURE THAT YOU VOTE!!!!!11
Reply:Keep faith in our system of government, a woman will become President of the US.
Reply:We, in theory, should be able to.

But I don't think that we currently should. We legal residents and citizens need to stand up and be counted and heard. Never underestimate very loud and seemingly ignorant minorities. We are the majority. We are in our own country. We are the ones to whom the government owes proper governing.
Reply:It may not work as well as we want, but it's better than the next best thing.

We have to help make it work, by framing the issues in such a way that people can agree and then act on them.

Not fight over the details.
Reply:Keeping the illegal invaders out of our country has been a Republican and independent Issue politically, so the liberal Media did not support the Issue. The Media used public opinion polls to convince the American that these invaders are doing a favor for all of us. It became politically Incorrect to do anything about it until now after the problem has gotten so out of hand.

This has done a great injustice not only for the USA but also for the people of Mexico as we made it easyer for them to come here instead of reforming the way their country works. Just think if the energy of these 12-20 million illegals would be turned to making Mexico a safer and better place to live.

But no, no change in Mexico, no life here for them. We not only turned our backs on our self but them as well.

Time to start doing the right things man (except Bill) woman (except Hilliary) I don't care just someone without all the group hate and some guts
Reply:You should at least vote but if uou don't like someting work actively to change it. Letters %26amp; phone calls to those lazy, greedy a--holes we reelect all the time. Things like that.
Reply:Hillary Clinton has my vote.

We need to deport all Illegal Aliens and enforce all Immigration laws. They need to:

1. Learn the language

2. Acquire a Visa or become a Citizen

3. Pay Taxes

4. Pay for Insurance of any kind

If they don't like that, there are boats and planes leaving every day.
Reply:Government isnt an extablishment to have faith in. Its something to take an active stand in. If you think something is false.. change it.
Reply:Yeah! That's one of the best intellectual and objective and (may I add it) constructive statement I ever seen on this website. Uhaaa!

Send you application to the White House right away!
Reply:The government has let us down. It lets the country be overrun by illegal aliens who are violating the very laws that this government is supposed to protect - and meanwhile, they just look the other way.

The last time I checked, we were considered a Democracy - so the government is supposed to reflect the will of the people. Yet in reality, the will of the majority does not mean anything. The government officials only pander to special interests that promise them votes and compain contributions.

The politicians do not think about the people they represent, nor the laws and the Constitution they are supposed to uphold - they are only worried about keeping their cushy seat in the next re-election. We all as Americans should be outraged.

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