Monday, May 11, 2009

Aren't the Oakland Raiders a pansy has-been team?

The only really good teams are in the AFC east. Agree?

Aren't the Oakland Raiders a pansy has-been team?

sorry, I flat lined for a moment!

Reply:um...aside from the Pats....I didnt know ther were any teams in the AFC east...just girl scouts in football jerseys. (if you said AFC north or south, you mighta been on to something)
Reply:WTF! the AFC east is the weakest division in the AFC only the Pats have some lustre and they have to cheat to get it. Yes the RAIDERS have not been like the RAIDERS of old but they still have more records and Hall of Famers than most of the AFC. As a RAIDER supporter I do agree that Al must keel over before the league will let this team get back to promise. Al has done so much for football more than most will ever know but his time has passed.
Reply:No doubt about it,

The Raiders are about as good as a set of 2002 FIRESTONE Tires, ..... ready to crack under pressure!

and as for the "AFC BEAST",

Theres still 11 weeks of football left to play people!
Reply:at this time of the year I'm with the Bears, Its time for winter and hibernating...LOL

Bears rule!
Reply:First place = pansy has beens huh STFU

63% start answering questions other than your contacts.

You and your point whore friends need to get a life.
Reply:i have only two words to say to you...da bears.
Reply:His face is weather-beaten;

He wears a hooded sash,

With a silver hat about his head.

And a bristling black mustache.

Well Serafim, they sure do sound a lot like the Village People to me... but if you say they're a sexy team, who am I to argue?



AT ME lol
Reply:The Raiders will get there someday. The Patriots are the only good team in the AFC East.
Reply:you got some tempers smoking on this one, but I am afraid that you might have given some of your fellow rooters a heart attack.

I laughed so hard at some of the responces that I got tears in my eyes.
Reply:The Raiders aren't going to be worth a damn until Al Davis assumes room temperature. And that's not going to happen because he's extending his life indefinitely by getting weekly transfusions with the blood of virgins and sleeping in one of those Michael Jackson plexiglas cylinders.
Reply:on behalf of every football fan, i declare the oakland raiders to be the best team in the NFL
Reply:The Raiders are in first place in their division

and the only the Pats have a winning record in the AFC east:

N.E 5-0

Bills 1-4

Jets 1-4

Dolphins 0-5

aside from the Pats, the AFC south has the best teams
Reply:They're still going to beat the Bears in November...

AFC east? May as well stand for "American Failures Conference", lol!
Reply:The Colts switched from the AFC East to the AFC South a long time ago. Maybe you didn't get the memo.
Reply:AFC Least standings

Patriots 5-0

Bills 1-4

Jets 1-4

Dolphins 0-5 (lost to the Raiders btw)

Where do you come up with the logic that the only good teams are in the AFC east? Are you saying the Patriots are the only good team in the NFL? Look, I'm a Chiefs fan, so by default I hate the Raiders, but they lead the division, and every other team has a better record than the bottom 3 in the AFC East, so I'm suggesting you do more research before you state patently incorrect things such as this.
Reply:Yes they are and their loser tough guy wanna be fans are bigger wussies. Ohhhh. . I'm so scared. . . ohhhh . . .the raider fans. . NOT. Raider fans are a bunch of loser gang member jagoffs!!! Yeah. .. take pride in wearing the colors of a bunch of losers you gutless spineless wimps!!!!
Reply:I couldn't agree more about the Raiders, but the only team in the AFC East that is any good at all is New England. Thats a joke of a division. AFC South has the best teams so far this season.

I see some people can't handle the truth.
Reply:As a die-hard Steelers fan for the last 36 years, I'll most heartily agree :)
Reply:Wow...HATERS!!...why must everyone hate us so much? "Has-beens"..if it wasn't for us the NFL would be nothing today! AFC east is full of a bunch of fembots!! hahaha...and when you say the "only really good teams" are in the AFC east, you mean the patriots are the only really good TEAM in the AFC east, lets not completely lie to ourselves, they suck a** too, they don't even know how to cheat right!
Reply:Yes - very much so. It should be called the Geriatric Team.
Reply:i didnt know people played american football in aukland
Reply:No, Raider Nation is back.

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