Monday, May 11, 2009

How about the shinning star for the liberals; Kerry trying to cut and run in Iraq; Is he a pansy or what?

He has been to war, and knows what war is. Do you? Neither does your shinning star, you know the idiot that was appointed to occupy the white house. Then rigged the second election. Real hero that didn't even finish his commitment to the air guard. Cut and run is just some more repuglican rhetoric for there is more money to be made from this war and we do not care how many young people die for no reason.

How about the shinning star for the liberals; Kerry trying to cut and run in Iraq; Is he a pansy or what?
A pansy that went to Vietnam while our president sat on friendly soil hiding behind move (for him), he would have gotten his dumb *** killed...

Farly- tired argument...if our troops are rapists and baby-killers, then they are...the truth isn't always pretty, but that doesn't make it less true...doesn't mean we shouldn't support them, just that if we're going to preach about how great we are, we should conduct ourselves in such a way as to prove it...
Reply:No, and unless your in the Army right now, you are.
Reply:Kerry couldn't buy a clue, not even with his wife's billions of dollars. Sure, he went to Vietnam. And then he came back and called our troops rapists and baby killers. Classy dude.
Reply:"Cut and run." Nice use of the Republican talking points.
Reply:You obviously didn't listen to what Kerry has said. He hasn't asked for us to just up and leave. What he is asking for is a date in which we turn over all security operations to Iraqi security forces. The US won't leave even then, but it will get people in Iraq to establish an effort to get the resources in place.
Reply:The simple slogan republicans.
Reply:You're a pansy. Look at your Avatar for crissakes.

Reply:Yeah or statements from Bush saying "when they stand up we will stand down." What a cut and runner, we should be there forever, infact we should make Iraq another state. Lets all hear it for the state of Iraq.
Reply:Why are you not over in iraq? you seem to know it ALL!!
Reply:John Kerry is a political opportunist. I live in Massachusetts so I've seen his act for a long, long time. He's been on both sides of every issue since he came home from Vietnam.
Reply:bla bla bla
Reply:yes he is. just like clinton who is a draft dodger.
Reply:This is what John Kerry does best. He was not the hero in Vietnam he and the democrats make him out to be. He has done to the troops in Iraq what he did to the troops in Vietnam, me-lined them. I have absolutely no respect for this man.
Reply:He sure is, I mean, he never even saw any action during Vietnam ... oh, you mean the guy who actually WENT to war and has medals to show for it ... oops ...oh you DUHbyans, you kill me ... your never-saw-action President who blasts countries with his eyes closed and you're bashing Kerry? Shame on you ... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.
Reply:Bottom line is I guess you'll like who you'll like and you'll dislike who you'll dislike. I'm in the minority here I happen to like George Bush and John Kerry makes me want to gag. I think John Kerry has no principles he lives by...he's just for John Kerry and that's what he's always been about...ever since his so called "hero days". Unfortunately I don't think we're ever going to get to a point where there's some great enlightenment where one side or the other is going to see the error of their ways and come around. So sadly we continue to fire off barbs and get frustrated and angry...and the world keeps turning.
Reply:Well, he initially supported the Vietnam Conflict, then called our soldiers baby killers on national television. He initially supported the Iraq war, and now wants to pull all our troops home. A large number of people who served with him contributed to a book "unfit to serve" about him, and his time in Vietnam. None of it was complimentary. Just plain facts people, look between the lines, and draw your opinions about Kerry from what he's done, not what other Libs tell you.
Reply:I think hes a dildo not a pansy.

safety boots

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