Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

It's been a little while since this question has been asked. Personally, I feel that the main difference is in the philosophy of live and let live. Republicans would rather have the entire world conform to their ideology or be punished until they do, whereas Democrats seem more willing to accept people for who they are. This is exemplified on Yahoo answers by the vitrolic writings of those who are in support of weakening the constitution and creating a police state and who have absolutly no desire to even consider an alternative point of view. It used to be that the main difference was on social issues. In the times of our fathers the nation was united in defense of the constitution and the bill of rights. There are those whom I am sure will call me a liberal pansy and other names meant to disparage my opinion, however, it is just as valid as anyones. And therein lies the true difference. I can accept that others will have differing opinions, can you?

What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?
I agree with you totally. I think ever since Bush has revealed that he is a Christian man, it has also became about conforming everyone to christianity as well. I am a dem. with some conservative beleifs. I was raised in a christian envrionment, but do not push my beleifs on others. I beleive everyone is entitled to live the way they want to live. Believe what they want to beleive. I thought that's what our country was founded upon too. But conservatives seem set to prove me wrong. Ignorance is evident when other's views can not be seen because yours overshadows them. So I agree with you dear man. It is the neo conservs who are oblivious to truths.
Reply:rep for the rich . Dem for the poor Report It

Reply:Just the name.
Reply:None, they're all crooks.
Reply:D: Believe all wealth belongs by right to the govt.

R: Believe all wealth belongs by right to those who earn it.

D: Think that it is protected speech to yell fire in a crowded theater.

R: Think it is protected speech to yell movie in a crowded firehouse.

D: Think all opinions are equally valid.

R: Know that there is a difference between right %26amp; wrong.

D: Think that we need to ask "UN may I?" before defending ourselves

R: Are ready to defend ourselves no matter what antone else says.

D: Think that the Constitution is a suicide pact.

R: Know that President Lincoln was correct when he said it wasn't.

This should do for a start.
Reply:one is in power

the other will say/do anything to gain power
Reply:I disagree with your answer. For all we hear about democrats "accepting people for who they are" they are also big supporters of abortion. Abortion kills many disabled people every year because the parents test for a specific disability. Many times, they will kill the child based on his or her disability. This is non-acceptance of the worst kind---they are KILLED for who they are. Not called names. Not told they can't marry. KILLED.

Democrats unfortunately support this and hide behind the phrase "right to choose" when it's actually a horrible human rights violation
Reply:Republicans want deathcamps, Democrats don't. Other than that they're both Nazis.
Reply:Democrats are pigs and republicans are frogs.
Reply:one helps all the rich people and he other trys to help the poor people.
Reply:AMEN TO THAT ....get ready to hear from the right...they are about to sling alot of crap your way but thats what they do.....we the informed...know better than to fall for their propaganda....WE SHALL OVERCOME.......
Reply:I would hardly call building a straw man of conservative views "accepting" of those said views. Especially with the way you distort the opinions of others.

Both the democrats and the republicans are intolerant of the beliefs of others. Democrats hardly accept people for who they are when they try to throw them in jail and charge them with RICO because they hold up banners saying "abortion kills babies". Republicans hardly accept people for who they are when they run around and label those who say Israel stepped over the line with Palestein as Jew-haters.

I would consider anyone who supports the concept of a second clause dominant 4th amendment, Miranda, invention of rights not ordained, as someone who weakens the constitution. I would consider the Dems creating Echelon more towards a police state than any other programs out there. And I would consider FDR opening all international email and locking up japs more of police state tactics than republicans.

Also, it was the dems that were the party of slavery and segregation. The republicans were the liberators. So, maybe you need to re-read your history and not throw stones from your glass house.
Reply:Nothing these days except morality issues .
Reply:You are answering your question just the way you want to hear.

There is no need for any of us to speak because you don't want to hear
Reply:There is no difference between republicans and democrats. They serve the same master.


How to keep curls in

1 comment:

  1. "Reply:AMEN TO THAT ....get ready to hear from the right...they are about to sling alot of crap your way but thats what they do.....we the informed...know better than to fall for their propaganda....WE SHALL OVERCOME......."
    It's truly a shame that one feels so oppressed in this great and free nation. The right to choose is a right to choose! Abortion or not to kill an innocent life. Why do you feel so oppressed? Are your rights being violated? Have you had the government mandating you take a part in their compulsory health care program? Are they forcing you into poor business practices by making loans to individuals who do not qualify? Do they mandate that your doctor sign a pledge to perform abortions when your doctor has a moral conflict with such a procedure? Does your government neglect to acknowledge the murders of two innocent military recruiters but displays deep sorrow when an abortion doctor is tragically murdered? Does your leader spend millions of taxpayer money taking his family on numerous "vacations" with two separate planes across the world while imploring those taxpayers to "cut back on their spending" and "we gotta all pitch in..".
    We shall overcome? I hope you succeed. We do need a change!!!
