Monday, May 11, 2009

How do I keep my dog from digging up my newly planted pansies?

She is a small daschund, and likes the smell of the bone meal I used as fertilizer.

How do I keep my dog from digging up my newly planted pansies?
Sprinkle the ground liberally with ground up, dried, hot peppers. This should stop her and it won't hurt your flowers.
Reply:You won't stop this behavior easily. A daschund's main purpose in life used to be to scurry into holes and tunnels to hunt rodents and small animals, even badgers. You can use light discipline, scolding her or giving harsh tones to your voice to enforce that you won't tolerate bad behavior. However, since daschunds are proud little dogs and you have to be careful of how you handle them, I recommend using a bitter spray that is sold in most pet stores (or for sure online...). It is made from harmless materials, usually comes in a scent like green apple, and if sprayed heavily around your plants, may very well deter your busy little buddy from unearthing your flowers. Good luck!
Reply:When planting put some chicken/mesh wire about 1/2" under the surface of the soil (put the plants in the holes). As soon as Fido starts digging he'll run into this barrier - and probably look for another spot in the yard to dig up ;-)
Reply:sprinkle powdered cayenne peppers or ground black pepper on the ground where she digs
Reply:Soak 10 cloves of galic (unpeeled) with a roughly chopped onion in hot water overnight, strain and put in spray bottle and spray where you don't want your pooch to a treat! Make sure you soak it in a metal container and cover it or you will stink your house out for days :-)

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