Monday, November 16, 2009

What can you spray on flowers namely roses to keep the deer from eating them?

They keep eating them and some of the pansies. I won't have any flowers to enter into the fair at this rate. Please help.

What can you spray on flowers namely roses to keep the deer from eating them?
you can try a couple different concoctions:

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

3 tbs kelp

3 tbs ivory liquid hand soap

1/2 tsp oil of peppermint

1 pint warm water

mix in a med. bowl, pour into a spray bottle and spray any plants you will NOT be consuming


1 tbs of dried blood (you can get this at a garden supply store)

4 cloves of powdered garlic

2 gals. of cool water

mix in bucket and put into spray bottle. this is high in nitrogen so use sparingly

you could also plant certain types of plants around your roses to keep deer and other critters away. they are:

rotunda chinese holly, foxglove, mexican oregano, mint, wormwood, spearmint, lemon thyme, madagascar periwinkle, artemisias, molasses grass
Reply:There are commercial preparations that use a blend of fox urine and coyote urine - predators of the deer. Check your garden center. Its easier to buy a $6 bottle than cook up a stinky mess in your kitchen. It is also stablized whereas any mix with egg will eventually rot.
Reply:believe it or not, i have heard that dried pig's blood works. i am pretty sure you can pick it up at home depot. good luck in the competition!
Reply:cyan-pepper and water mix spray on plants ----re-spray after rain of watering. Iknow this works for keeping rabbits away
Reply:My neighbor uses a mixture of eggs , milk, and veg. oil. The deer hate the smell and the oil keeps it from washing off.
Reply:Sprinkle red pepper or garlic on them. My aunt does this and it keeps them away and doesn't hurt the plants.

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